Bezinjo govt may be packed within days: Sources


The provincial leadership of Jamiet Ulema Islam (JUI), and leaders of other parties in Balochistan have decided to vote out chief minister Abdul Qudoos Bizenjo through a vote of no trust which was tabled a few days ago, sources confirmed.

A few names are being considered for the CM slot including Nawab Aslam Raisani, Mir Younis Aziz Zehri or Mir Saleem Khan Khosa or someone else.

After the overthrow of the Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf (PTI) government at the center in last month, the then opposition parties also decided to oust the provincial government of Balochistan.

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The provincial leadership of Balochistan Awami Party(BAP) is divided into two factions, one is backing Mir Abdul Qudoos Bizenjo, while the other was in favor of his removal.
The later faction under the leadership of Jam Kamal submitted a vote of no confidence against Bizenjo.

The PTI provincial chief Yar Muhammad Rind and other bigwigs are supporting the vote of no confidence against the incumbent CM.

In October 2021, the then CM Jam Kamal was forced to step down after submitting a resolution of vote of no confidence against him.

The province has been facing political uncertainty for months.

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