Post Partition Pakistan #15 Historical Developments 1945-1950

Pakistan's Political History (1945-1950): The Dawn of a New Nation


The period from 1945 to 1950 in Pakistan’s political history was marked by the emergence of a new nation, Pakistan, from the partition of British India. This era witnessed the birth of a sovereign state, the establishment of its foundational institutions, and the challenges of nation-building. This article explores the key events, developments, and transformations that characterized Pakistan’s political landscape during this formative period, covering constitutional, political, social, religious, and economic dimensions.


  • End of World War II: World War II concluded in September 1945, setting the stage for post-war geopolitical changes, including the decolonization of British India.


  • Provincial Elections in British India: Provincial elections were held in British India in 1946. The Muslim League, led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah, emerged as the dominant political force representing Muslims. These elections provided crucial momentum to the demand for Pakistan.


  • Partition of India: On August 14, 1947, Pakistan emerged as an independent nation, marking the culmination of years of struggle for a separate homeland for Muslims. Muhammad Ali Jinnah became Pakistan’s first Governor-General.
  • First Constituent Assembly (August 11, 1947): Pakistan’s first Constituent Assembly was inaugurated in Karachi on August 11, 1947. Its primary task was to draft the country’s constitution.
  • Liaquat Ali Khan as Prime Minister (August 15, 1947): Liaquat Ali Khan, a close associate of Jinnah, became Pakistan’s first Prime Minister. He played a vital role in the early governance of the country.
  • Challenges of Partition: The partition of British India led to one of the largest migrations in human history, with millions of people crossing borders to move to either India or Pakistan. This mass migration resulted in communal violence and displacement.
  • Administrative Challenges: Pakistan faced significant administrative challenges as it established its government machinery. The bureaucracy, military, and police needed to be organized and structured.
  • Economic Challenges: The new nation grappled with economic challenges, including the need to set up financial institutions, establish a currency, and manage resources.
  • Foreign Relations: Pakistan began its journey as an independent nation by establishing diplomatic relations with other countries. The newly formed government worked to secure recognition from the international community
  • Challenges of Nation-Building: Pakistan faced the immense task of building a nation from scratch. This included defining its identity, establishing institutions, setting up a legal framework, and addressing the diverse needs and aspirations of its people.
  • First Kashmir War: The first Indo-Pakistani War broke out over the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir, setting the stage for a long-standing territorial dispute between India and Pakistan.


  • First Constitution Committee: The First Constitution Committee was formed in 1948 to draft Pakistan’s first constitution. Work on the constitution began in earnest.
  • Muhammad Ali Jinnah, also known as Quaid-e-Azam (Great Leader), died on September 11, 1948. His death occurred just over a year after the creation of Pakistan on August 14, 1947. Muhammad Ali Jinnah played a pivotal role in the independence movement and the founding of Pakistan, serving as the country’s first Governor-General and later as its first President until his passing. His leadership and vision were instrumental in the establishment of Pakistan as an independent nation.
  • After the creation of Pakistan in 1947, the country faced numerous challenges in the wake of Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s death on September 11, 1948. These challenges included the turmoil and violence resulting from the partition with India, the first Indo-Pakistani War over Kashmir, the need to establish a functioning government and administrative infrastructure, economic struggles, and the task of defining Pakistan’s identity and drafting its constitution. The loss of Jinnah, a charismatic and unifying figure, left a leadership void at a critical juncture in the nation’s history. His death emphasized the importance of maintaining communal harmony and managing the complex issues associated with nation-building in a diverse and newly independent country.


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  • Objective Resolution: The Objective Resolution was passed by Pakistan’s Constituent Assembly on March 12, 1949. It laid the foundation for Pakistan’s future constitution, emphasizing Islamic principles as the guiding force.


  • Liaquat-Nehru Pact: Pakistan’s Prime Minister, Liaquat Ali Khan, and India’s Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, signed the Liaquat-Nehru Pact in April 1950, which aimed at protecting the rights of minorities in both countries.

Constitutional Developments:

The period from 1945 to 1950 saw the establishment of Pakistan’s foundational constitutional institutions. The Constituent Assembly was formed in 1947, tasked with drafting the country’s constitution. The passage of the Objective Resolution in 1949 laid the foundation for Pakistan’s future constitution, emphasizing Islamic principles.

Political Movements:

The dominant political movement during this period was the demand for Pakistan itself. The Muslim League, under the leadership of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, successfully advocated for a separate Muslim state. The period also witnessed the beginning of diplomatic relations and negotiations between India and Pakistan.

Social and Religious Developments:

The creation of Pakistan as an independent Muslim state in 1947 marked a significant social and religious transformation. The Objective Resolution of 1949 emphasized Islamic principles as the guiding force for Pakistan’s constitution.

Economic Impact:

Pakistan faced economic challenges during this period, including the need to build its economic infrastructure as a new nation. Economic development and planning were key priorities for the government.

Leadership and Key Figures:

Leaders like Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Liaquat Ali Khan, and Jawaharlal Nehru played pivotal roles in shaping the political landscape of the region during this period. Jinnah’s leadership was instrumental in achieving the goal of Pakistan, while Liaquat Ali Khan became Pakistan’s first Prime Minister.


The period from 1945 to 1950 was a transformative phase in Pakistan’s political history. It marked the emergence of a new nation, Pakistan, from the partition of British India. The establishment of Pakistan’s foundational constitutional institutions, the passage of the Objective Resolution, and the challenges of nation-building were significant milestones. Pakistan’s leaders laid the groundwork for the political landscape that would define the nation’s future. The period also witnessed the first Indo-Pakistani War over Kashmir, setting the stage for a complex and enduring territorial dispute. These developments set Pakistan on its path as an independent and sovereign nation in South Asia.

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