Be ready and await my call to Islamabad, says Imran Khan at Lahore really


PTI Chairman Imran Khan Thursday urged Pakistanis to prepare for a campaign for “real independence” and to await his appeal in Islamabad, as the ousted prime minister said he would not accept the “imported government” at any cost.

‘The party has just started, our campaign is going to intensify […] waiting for my call, I want nothing but an early election,” he said at a rally in Lahore.

Khan called on supporters of PML-N and PPP to back the PTI because they were unaware of the foreign conspiracy that had been plotted against his government.

The chair of the PTI said that his party was a democratic force and wanted democratic solutions, “Whoever made a mistake, it’s your turn to hold early elections.”

But let’s be clear, I don’t want any conflict. This is my country and I have no place to go […] I will live and die in Pakistan,’ said Imran Khan.

Khan recalled that if Pakistan did not have a strong army, then it would have been divided into three parts.

“Had our men in uniform not sacrificed their lives the way they did, our situation would have been similar to that of Syria and Iraq.”

Accusing the outgoing government of having ousted him from power, the former prime minister claimed that they had bought the conscience of legislators and “polished the boots of foreign powers”.

Getting into details as to why a “foreign conspiracy” has been forged against him, Khan said that the day he took power he wanted to give an independent foreign policy to Pakistan.

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The chairman of PTI accused that the current leaders were always obedient when the foreign powers gave them instructions but claimed that he did not follow the same path, therefore the foreign powers “did not like”.

Mr. Khan stated that he had also decided to raise the issue of Islamophobia at all international forums—the United Nations, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and others, as a strong 1.5 billion of the Muslim population has been disturbed in foreign lands.

The third thing that did not please foreign powers was his attitude of “not taking dictation from anybody”.

The ousted Prime Minister asserted that a foreign power had cast doubt on his visit to Russia.

Commending foreign policy of India.
Khan claimed importing oil from Russia was in the interest of Pakistan. He added that the US had asked India not to import Russian oil, But New Delhi told Washington it was in the interest of their nation to buy Moscow’s merchandise.

“It means that India’s foreign policy is for the interests of their compatriots, but our foreign policy is to achieve the objectives of another country,” he claimed.

Toshakhana controversy

Referring to the Toshakhana controversy, he said during previous governments, the rulers would purchase items from the Toshakhana at 15% of the initial cost.

Everything I purchased is on the record and everything was done in accordance with the law,” he said.

Khan said that he fixed the road outside his house with his money and did not take the government’s money for that. “I pay my spending.”

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