Indian couple files lawsuit against son, daughter-in-law demand grandchild within a year or 50m


An Indian couple filed a petition against their son and daughter-in-law demanding that he and his wife produce a grandchild within a year or almost 50m of Indians.

Sanjeev and Sadhana Prasad say they spent their savings raising and nurturing their pilot son and paying for a lavish wedding ceremony.

Now they want payback.

“My son has been married for six years and they are still not planning a child. At least if we have a grandchild to spend time with, our pain can be tolerated.” the couple said in their petition lodged with a court in Haridwar last week.

The compensation they are requesting – 50 million Indian rupees – includes the cost of a wedding reception at a five-star hotel, a luxury car worth $80,000, and the couple’s honeymoon payment abroad, the Times of India reported on Thursday.

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The parents also gave $65,000 to have their son trained as a pilot in the U.S. just to go back to India on unemployment, according to the Times of India.

We also had to take out a loan to build our house, and we are now facing a lot of financial difficulties. Mentally too, we are quite troubled because we live alone,” the couple said in their petition.

The couple’s lawyer, Arvind Kumar, said the petition will be heard by the northern Indian court on 17 May.

India has a strong spousal family system with many generations, including grandparents, nephews, aunts, and uncles who frequently live in the same household.

However, in the past few years, the trend has changed, young couples prefer to be separated from their parents or siblings, and their wives — like in this instance — choose work over-focusing on having children and staying at home.

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