These are the most hated apps in the world

Customer satisfaction is very important with respect to mobile applications and according to a recent DotNek study, this satisfaction has decreased in a few years.


There are some applications that are liked by users and some that are absolutely detested. Many factors contribute to these feelings such as UI and the frequency and number of advertisements.

Electronics Hub experts decided to investigate how much applications are loved or hated around the world.

The team analyzed over 3 million geolocated tweets linked to different dating, mobile games, social media, money transfers, and social media apps.

Here are the main findings:

Their analysis found that mobile games received relatively few negative reviews. However, Roblox came to be the most hated application in 21 countries.

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The world’s most hated app turned out to be the Hinge dating app with 34.4% of tweets speaking about their negative experience with the app.

Dating apps, by and large, have proven to be the most hated category of apps.

A number of countries were more critical of apps in general, notably Ireland, New Zealand, Jersey, and Jamaica.

Cultural differences also clearly emerged during the study. Most wealthy English speakers and the Middle East hated the use of Tinder. In Iran, 71.4% of all tweets on Tinder were negative, the highest figure.

South America detested e-commerce apps the most with Amazon at the top of the list of the most detested apps.

The data of the mobile analytics company Tune showed that apps mostly drive crazy people forcing them to uninstall and reinstall the app. It turns out that it is common to be frustrated by this process that 41% of applications are re-installed after uninstalling.

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