Will announce schedule for long march on Sunday: Imran Khan


The chairman of the PTI and former prime minister Imran Khan said on Friday that he will announce the date for the long-awaited long march to Islamabad on Sunday.

Khan announced as he was addressing a huge rally in Multan. The chairman of PTI was supposed to share the exact date of the long march today, but he did not.

All this month, the PTI chairman had been organizing a series of rallies all over the country to mobilize. the masses against the alleged “imported” government and to call for a new election. The Multan gathering was the last in the series before the long march planned by the party towards Islamabad.

The former prime minister began his speech by thanking the people of Multan for their warm welcome.

He also thanked Multan’s women and youth for attending his gathering, adding that no revolution could “succeed” if and until women and young people participate.

The former prime minister said that the fear and humiliation of losing jobs “turns a great man into a little one”, and added that as long as the chains of this fear are not broken, the country will not become a great nation.

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The chairman of the PTI added that Prophet (PBUH) helped Muslims break those chains and helped them to govern the world. Giving further examples, he explained that no one became a great leader until they overcame their fears and no soldier received medals for fear of death.

Khan said that when Edmund Hillary decided to scale Mount Everest, he first conquered his fear. Likewise, the “corrupt” rulers of this country have imposed this fear that if we do not polish America’s boots, we will not be able to progress.

The chairman of the PTI regretted that, unfortunately, the country had always had to witness leaders who bowed to the United States, adding that.
“Such behavior has bought up the country’s bad reputation”.

The former Prime Minister claimed that “this is the reason why a conspiracy was conducted to remove him from his post”. He said the plot was hatched by those who “plundered” the country for 30 years.

Khan added that the opposition, during his tenure as prime minister, tried to plot against him so that he could be forced to forgive their corruption and give another National Reconciliation Order (NRO) to them.

He lashed out at the country’s elite for becoming part of the conspiracy against his government.


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