Govt introduces Prime Minister Sasta Petrol, Sasta Diesel Scheme


The Minister of State for Oil, Senator Musaddiq Masood Malik, on Friday, announced the launch of Prime Minister Sasta Petrol, Sasta Diesel scheme.

Malik stated that the government will give Rs2,000 as a fuel subsidy to anyone who has a basic salary of Rs40,000.

Families in the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) will automatically receive Rs2,000 under the “Prime minister Sasta Petrol, Sasta Diesel Scheme.”

Households that are not part of the BISP database will need to send their identity card numbers to 786 to verify their eligibility, Ismail added.

However, the ID card number should belong to a woman, as the money would only be transferred to the woman’s head of the household.

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The minister said that the tough decisions were made, but the government is trying to do everything it can to help the country.

Malik stated that, according to the comparative analysis, the federal government’s total annual expenditures amount to approximately Rs22 to Rs28billion whereas, in just three months, Rs700 to Rs800 billion were paid in fuel subsidies.

Malik declared the decision of the PTI government to grant a fuel subsidy a “trap” as did the conspiracy letter. PTI did so knowing that the treasury is unable to bear its burden, he added.

The minister criticized ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan, saying he had breached the International Monetary Fund (IMF) agreement.

We are now paying an inflation price, he added.

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