No confidence move tabled against CM Balochistan


A no-confidence move on was tabled against Balochistan Chief Minister Abdul Qudoos Bizenjo on Thursday.

The session of the Balochistan Assembly was convened this morning for the no-trust motion against CM Bizenjo.

It is worth mentioning here that Abdul Quddus Bizenjo held the helm of the provincial government last October following then chief minister Balochistan Jam Kamal Khan stepping down before voting on a motion of no-trust.

The Awami Party of Balochistan (BAP), the Awami National Party (ANP), and the PTI were among the parties supporting the no-confidence move against Bizenjo.

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Sardar Yar Muhammad Rind, Jam Kamal, and Asghar Achakzai had consulted in this regard.

The sources said and added that they had the number needed to oust the current chief minister.

PTI leader Yar Muhammad Rind while confirming the non-confidence movement declared that they have the required numbers and the non-confidence movement against Bizenjo would succeed.

“Quddus Bizenjo disappointed people and elected representatives of the province,” he said.

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