Pakistan Requests BRICS Membership, Seeks Support from China and Russia

Pakistan has formally applied for inclusion in the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) bloc in 2024.


Islamabad: In an interview with Russian media, Pakistani Ambassador Muhammad Khalid Jamali expressed confidence in Russia’s support during the membership process.

The presidency of this group is with Russia in 2024.

Russia and China will assist us in acquiring membership. He stated that Pakistan aims to become a part of this important organization, and they are in contact with member countries for general membership and, specifically, seeking support from the Russian Federation.

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BRICS, originally composed of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, expanded in August of the current year after 13 years.

An agreement was reached to include six new members as new entrants from January 1, 2024. This decision was announced during the three-day leadership summit held in Johannesburg.

What is BRICS?

BRICS is an acronym that refers to a group of five major emerging national economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The BRICS countries are known for their significant influence on regional and global affairs, and they are recognized for their substantial economic growth and development potential.

The group was originally known as “BRIC” before the inclusion of South Africa in 2010. The primary objective of BRICS is to enhance cooperation and dialogue among member countries on various political, economic, and security issues. They often hold annual summits where leaders discuss common concerns, economic cooperation, and strategies for addressing global challenges.

BRICS represents a diverse set of countries with different economic structures, political systems, and cultural backgrounds. Despite these differences, the member nations collaborate on issues such as trade, investment, technology, and development. The group aims to promote multipolarity in the international system and advocate for a more inclusive global governance structure.

Objective of BRICS

The BRICS group has several objectives, and its formation is driven by the common interests and goals of its member countries. The main objectives of BRICS include:

1. Economic Cooperation and Development: BRICS aims to enhance economic collaboration among its member countries. This includes promoting trade, investment, and financial cooperation. The member nations work towards creating a more equitable global economic order and financial system.

2. Political Dialogue: BRICS facilitates political dialogue and cooperation among its members. The countries engage in discussions on global political issues, advocating for a multipolar world and greater representation of emerging economies in international institutions.

3. Social and Cultural Cooperation: BRICS promotes social and cultural exchanges to foster understanding and collaboration among its diverse member nations. This includes initiatives in education, science, technology, and other fields.

4. Global Governance Reforms: BRICS advocates for reforms in global governance structures, particularly in international financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. The group seeks to increase the representation of emerging economies in these institutions.

5. Peace and Security: While not a formal security alliance, BRICS members discuss and coordinate on issues related to peace and security. The group emphasizes diplomatic solutions to conflicts and advocates for a more stable and secure international environment.

6. Sustainable Development: BRICS is committed to sustainable development and addressing common challenges, including poverty, inequality, and environmental issues. The member countries collaborate on initiatives to promote sustainable development practices.

7. Technology and Innovation: BRICS members aim to collaborate on technology and innovation to foster economic growth and development. This includes cooperation in areas such as science, research, and technology transfer.

8. Health Cooperation: In light of global challenges such as pandemics, BRICS has shown interest in health cooperation. The member nations may collaborate on issues related to public health and healthcare infrastructure.

It’s important to note that while BRICS pursues these objectives collectively, each member country also has its unique national interests and priorities. The group provides a forum for dialogue and collaboration on issues of mutual concern, contributing to a more balanced and inclusive global governance structure.

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