German Defense Minister Urges Preparation for Potential War with Russia

German Defense Minister Warns of Potential War with Russia, Calls for Reinstatement of Conscription.


German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius has stated that Germany must be prepared for a potential war with Russia in the coming years, and has called for the immediate reinstatement of mandatory military service.

Minister Pistorius emphasized that preparations for a conflict with Russia need to be completed before 2029, focusing on training, economic readiness, and military equipment.

He also warned the nation about the repercussions of a Russian victory in Ukraine.

Previously, French President Emmanuel Macron had also stated that if Russia advances and Ukraine requests assistance, France would send its military to fight against Russia.

What did Pistorius say?

“We must be ready for war by 2029,” the defense minister said during a questioning session in Germany’s lower house of parliament, the Bundestag.

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“We must provide deterrence to prevent it from coming to the worst,” he said, adding that finances, materials, and personnel were central to that aim.

“In an emergency, we need strong young women and men who can defend this country.”

Pistorius also said that, for that reason, he believed a “new form of military service” was necessary, that “cannot be completely free of obligations.”

Pistorius, a member of Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s center-left Social Democrats, has charged his ministry with exploring potential models for military conscription.

Germany suspended compulsory military service in 2011. About half of German citizens favor reintroducing it, according to a survey by research institute Forsa in March.

Pistorius’ remarks coincided with the German Cabinet’s approval of a new strategic document for military and civil defense. This document outlines the responsibilities of the Bundeswehr, aid organizations, and civil defense authorities during disasters and conflicts.

Replacing the 1989 guidelines, the new framework also includes measures to address cyber threats and hybrid warfare.

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