Pre-partition #12 Historical developments 1900-1915

Pakistan's Political History (1900-1915): A Transitioning Era


The period from 1900 to 1915 in what is now Pakistan marked a significant phase of transition in its political history. During this time, the region was still part of British India, and various political, social, religious, and economic developments were shaping the course of events. This article will delve into the key political developments of this era, with a focus on constitutional changes, political movements, and their impact on the region.


  • Formation of the All-India Muslim League (AIML): The All-India Muslim League, a prominent political party representing the interests of Muslims in India, was founded on December 30, 1906, during a meeting in Dhaka. This marked a significant step in the political mobilization of Muslims in British India.


  • Minto-Morley Reforms: The Minto-Morley Reforms, also known as the Indian Councils Act of 1909, introduced limited political representation for Indians. It expanded the legislative councils and granted separate electorates to Muslims, Sikhs, and other religious communities. This was a significant development in the direction of constitutional reform.


  • Partition of Bengal: In response to the Swadeshi Movement and growing nationalist sentiments, the British government announced the partition of Bengal on October 16, 1905. However, due to widespread protests and opposition, Bengal was reunified on December 12, 1911.


  • Appointment of Muhammad Ali Jinnah: Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who would later become a key figure in the struggle for Pakistan’s creation, was appointed to the Imperial Legislative Council in 1912. His entry into Indian politics marked the beginning of his political career.


  • Ghadar Party: The Ghadar Party, a revolutionary organization founded by Indian expatriates in the United States, was established in 1913. It aimed at organizing armed uprisings against British rule in India and had some support among Punjabi immigrants.


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  • Outbreak of World War I: World War I began in August 1914, and India was drawn into the conflict due to its colonial status. The war had significant economic and social implications for the region, including the recruitment of Indian soldiers for the British war effort.
  • Lucknow Session of AIML: The Lucknow Session of the All-India Muslim League in December 1914 marked an important development in Indian politics. It saw the Lucknow Pact, an agreement between the AIML and the Indian National Congress, which demanded greater political representation for Indians in the government.


  • Baluchistan: In 1915, the British officially recognized Baluchistan as a separate entity, distinct from the Punjab. This administrative change had implications for the political organization of the region.

Constitutional Developments:

The early 20th century witnessed several constitutional changes that began to shape the political landscape of British India. The Minto-Morley Reforms of 1909 and the Lucknow Pact of 1914 were key developments in this regard. These reforms aimed at providing limited political representation to Indians and granting separate electorates to various religious communities.

Political Movements:

Political movements were gaining momentum in this period. The founding of the All-India Muslim League in 1906 marked the beginning of organized political mobilization among Muslims. Additionally, the Ghadar Party’s activities in Punjab highlighted the growing discontent and revolutionary sentiment against British rule.

Social and Religious Developments:

Social and religious dynamics were also in flux during this era. The Swadeshi Movement, which began in response to the partition of Bengal, highlighted the importance of indigenous products and self-reliance. It led to widespread protests and boycotts of British goods.

Economic Impact:

The outbreak of World War I in 1914 had significant economic consequences for the region. India’s resources, industries, and manpower were mobilized to support the British war effort. The war disrupted trade patterns, led to inflation, and had social and economic repercussions.


The period from 1900 to 1915 was a time of political awakening and transition in the region that is now Pakistan. Constitutional reforms, political movements, and the emergence of key leaders like Muhammad Ali Jinnah laid the groundwork for the later struggle for independence and the creation of Pakistan in 1947. The era also saw significant social, religious, and economic developments that contributed to the evolving political landscape of the Indian subcontinent.

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